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••••• Tues, July 23rd - Summer Reading Program Dunning 2:30-3:30 •••••

Sandhills Public Schools

Mon, July 22nd: Thedford Gym Floor Refinish
UNK Volleyball Positions camp
Tues, July 23rd: Thedford Gym Floor Refinish
UNK Volleyball Positions camp
Summer Reading Program Dunning 2:30-3:30
Wed, July 24th: Thedford Gym Floor Refinish
Thurs, July 25th: Thedford Gym Floor Refinish
Boys BB Open Gym @ Dunning 7-9pm
Open Library 6-8
Fri, July 26th: Thedford Gym Floor Refinish
Sat, July 27th: Thedford Gym Floor Refinish

Our mission is to provide quality education in a safe, respectful, equitable and inclusive learning environment to develop productive citizens for an ever-changing global society.