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Sandhills Public Schools

Organizations/ Activities


Mullen Art Show Results April 13, 2021   Becca Smith, Miriam Ganoung, Jakub Harris, Reece Zutavern, and Mrs. Simonson attended the Mullen Art Show on Tuesday, April 13. The show was held in the Lariet Gym and a total of . . .

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Miriam Ganoung's Photo Selected For Display in Offices of Ben Sasse

Congratulations to Miram Ganoung   for having a photograph chosen by Senator Ben Sasse for display in his offices across Nebraska. Miriam entered a landscape photo that was required to show "the good life of . . .

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SHS Students Attend Autumn Art Workshop

MNAC Teen Autumn Art Workshop.pdf

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MNAC Art Workshop

MNAC Art Workshop   Hannah Christie, Carlie Collier, Bryan Zutavern, Dylan Lister, Dixie Kennedy, Kylie Hewett, Brett Downey, Brooklyn Leach, Colt Hesseltine, and Evan Hewett took part in the 2017 MNAC Autumn Art Workshop . . .

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MNAC Art Results

  MNAC CONFERENCE ART RESULTS Junior High Receives Reserve Best Artistry Award High School Kyra Kennedy:  Acrylic/Oil, 1 st ; Pencil Drawing, 2 nd ; Colored Drawing, 2 nd ; Black & White, 2 nd ; Mixed . . .

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MNAC Fall Art Workshop

2016 MNAC Art Workshop The MNAC Fall Autumn Teen Workshop was held in the Nebraska 4-H building at the Nebraska Forest on Wednesday, September 14. Kyra Kennedy, Brooklyn Leach, Bryan Zutavern, Dylan Lister, Hannah Christie, and . . .

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Sandhills Art News

Mullen Art Show Results.pdf 2016 MNAC Art Workshop.pdf

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